Businesses can make use of the BCA programme:

  • To stimulate creative thought and action
  • To build staff confidence, communication and social skills
  • To encourage a collaborative rather than a competitive approach
  • To identify with the feeling of being valued and giving value
  • To challenge assumptions around difference: such as in age, culture, or abilities
  • To explore empowerment issues
  • To engender a sense of responsibility and initiative in society
  • To enhance corporate reputation

Some Things Business Participants Have Said:



More Quotes:

“I believe your approach would be most appropriate within the context of personal and professional development for our consultants” said by a senior executive, line manager to volunteers on an extended BCA programme

“One of the things we all need to do in our position is to listen: it is easy to hold the floor. It is hard to practice listening skills – not just listening but trying to absorb what is being said in order to move on to the next thing. It is not like a lecture” said by a business volunteer working alongside care staff and residents with dementia over a number of weeks

“In the everyday things we have to do we often lose sight of the process and concentrate on achieving the task. Together we had been uncovering that process and making ourselves question HOW we achieve our tasks” said by a business volunteer working closely alongside care assistants and supporting them to set their own goals for providing creative activities in the home

“I liked most watching incomprehension turn to involvement and humour and seeing personality come through participation.” – Business volunteer