One of the underpinning values of BCA is equality of personhood and a coming together in a spirit of learning and enquiry, supporting each other to take risks. The actual method and framework used is that of Co-operative Inquiry, developed by John Heron, and later by Peter Reason.
Other works underpinning our method are also given below:
Block, Peter. (2002) The Answer to How is Yes: acting on what matters. US: Berrett-Koehler
Hanh, Thich Nhat. (1993). Present Moment, Wonderful Moment. UK: Rider, Ebury Press
Heron, J. (1996) Co-operative Inquiry: Research into the Human Condition. UK: Sage
Langer, E. (1998) The Power of Mindful Learning. US: Perseus Publishing
Rogers, N. (2001) ‘Person-centred Expressive Arts Therapy: a path to wholeness’ in Approaches to Art Therapy: theory and technique. (2nd edition) US: Brunner-Routledge
Peck, M. Scott (1987) The Different Drum: the creation of true community – the first step to world peace. UK: Arrow Books, Random Century Group
Rico, Gabriele Lusser (1983) Writing the Natural Way:using right-brain techniques to release your expressive powers. US: Tarcher/Putnam New York
Anderson, Jill, Lloyd-Lawrence, Kitty and Flint, Hilda. (2006). ‘Building Community through Arts (BCA): cooperative inquiry using arts media with people with dementia.’ In Miesen, Bère M.L. and Jones, Gemma M.M. (2006) Care-Giving in Dementia: research and applications. Vol 4. UK: Routledge