Screen printing courses run at Kew Studio on Thursday evenings. Please see below for further details and contact the tutor Alison Pugh here to enrol.

NB: All students participating in a Kew Studio class must become Student members at a cost of £5 per term or £10 for the year. Student membership brings students fully into the Kew Studio community, allowing them, among other things, the opportunity to show their work at Studio exhibitions.

These classes are an introduction to the process of screen printing.

You will learn:

  • Health and Safety in the Print Studio.
  • How to prepare your image using basic Photoshop techniques.
  • How to use photo-sensitive emulsion.
  • Introduction to the exposure unit and how to transfer your image to print.
  • Mixing inks.
  • How to use the screen bed.
  • How to print without a screen bed.
  • How to get the most out of your prints.
  • How to clean your screen ready for next time.

At the end of the course you will be presented with a certificate that will enable you to become a Kew Studio Screen Print Member.

Materials not included are brown parcel tape, kitchen roll, apron and/or clothes for printing (that you don’t mind getting mucky).

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