These quotes have acted as inspiration and guidance for BCA projects.
“The sense of belonging and acceptance regardless of age, race, beliefs and personal background and as the ability of a group to welcome everyone’s creativity”
M. Scott Peck
“Listening is a form of accepting” Stella Terrill Mann
“Community occurs when the gifts of those on the margin are brought into the center Peter Block
“Conflict exists strictly as an opportunity to raise our consciousness” C. G. Jung
“When an inner situation is not made conscious, it appears outside as fate” C.G. Jung
“There is no such thing as reality; there is only perception” Gustave Flaubert
“How do you create, in a society as diverse as ours, a sense of shared identity, collective belonging?… The best way of making people feel ‘I belong’ is to enlist them in a shared project so they can say: ‘I helped build this’… The important thing is that we build together. A nation is made by contributions, not claims; active citizenship, not rights; what we give, not what we demand. A national identity can be made out of the contributions of many cultures, many faiths. What matters is that together we build something none of us could make alone” Jonathan Sachs
“It is not that artists are special kinds of people but that every person is a special kind of artist” Coomeraswamy
“Art serves to establish community. It links us with others, and with the things around us, in a shared vision and effort. My concern is never art, but always what art can be used for.” Gerhard Richter
“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost” Martha Graham
“Community – the sense of belonging and acceptance regardless of age, race, beliefs and personal background and the ability of a group to welcome everyone’s creativity”
M. Scott Peck
“Where two people are agreed on absolutely everything – only one of them is necessary” Wayne Dyer
“Conflict exists purely as an opportunity to raise our consciousness” C.G.Jung
“Listening is a form of accepting” Stella Terrill Mann
“For all that is human we have in common” Frederick Franck
“Every child is an artist, the problem is how to remain one once we grow up” Picasso
“Artists are not special kinds of people, every person is a special kind of artist” Coomeraswamy
“Art is not just for a wet Wednesday” Connie Arreger