Artists, facilitators, community builders and consultants of all kinds can benefit from applying the BCA approach.

In general the process works:

  • To raise morale and motivation
  • To develop skills such as: communication, working with others, improving individual performance, adaptability, problem-solving, creative thinking and innovation
  • To expand horizons in thinking and experience
  • To work with people from different parts of the community, making new contacts, learning from each other and valuing differences
  • Read more about the benefits

We have compiled a collection of downloads for facilitators, educators, artists, managers – anyone who wants to start the process of Building Community through Arts.

Getting Started

You may have had some fun with a one-off arts workshop, and be wondering whether you could use this to build a community you are a part of. We have made all our resources available so you can create your own programme.

The Initiating Group

We recommend you establish an ‘initiating group’ – ideally of at least three people – who want to explore whether BCA can be useful in your particular context or situation. Read more

Creative Session Plans with Facilitator’s Notes

‘Working Together’ and other facilitators downloads  can give you ideas about starting a project.

Run a practice session with your initiating group to explore the issues in question.You might then run a one-off taster session for other stakeholders.

Win Support

Assuming that goes well the next step would be to run a taster session for other stakeholders. This may be managers, teachers, local residents, business owners – decision makers whose support you will need to develop the programme more fully. The taster session can be one of the creative workshops, or you could design your own arts session. These quotes and case studies can help you build your case:

Develop Your Programme

The follow on from this would be an agreed BCA programme: involving for example, residents in a care home, school pupils, employees, service users – whoever is part of the community you want to build. This could be a single afternoon, a short or long series of sessions, or an ongoing rolling BCA programme that continues to evolve and grow with the community as it builds. We are providing a series of model sessions and programmes in the Resources section for you to make use of. (Available Soon)

Contact Us

Do you have any questions? You are very welcome to get in touch using the contact form.

Kew Studio is managed by our Studio Manager, Ali, who can be reached via email at